Every year there is a surprise in the US peleton...last year it was Webcor this year it is Ivan Stevic and the Aerospace Engineering Group team. Stevic won the RR at Sea Otter and then hammered the field in all three races at Bisbee! Who the hell is this guy...Serbian National Champion I know but thats like being the strongest guy in the room of computer geeks. Check out the Aerospace Engineering website...http://www.aerospacecycling.com/ once you start digging there is something weird. Lots of eastern europeans, based in florida, incorporated in the bahamas...its just different to say the least. Still...they got some shit going on, i need to add their link to the team list.
To answer some friends....
Why is Tom Danielson a Tool by me
Exhibit A. Personal Website (thanks for the wedding pictures form last winter dumbass)
Exhibit B. Cyclingnews.com journal - when you win the biggest race of your carreer for the best team in the world you might want to get a few words in there. Have your freaking mom do it for christ sake. Oh hell, i'm cheap, i'd do it for a hat!
Exhibit C. The hair must be fixed
And Tyler Hamilton is almost completely detached from reality now...its pretty interesting to check out his website. Half ode to dogs, half invective about the unfairness of life and the USADA.