
Time for A Reshuffle

Like many of us hardcore cycling fans i met the news of Lance's return with a big yawn and skepticism. No matter how i look at it though i know it will increase American interest, and hence TV coverage of my favorite sport so it will only benefit me. If he win's its kind of cool, if he loses i get a good dose of schadenfreude. Regardless.... all the expected things happened, half fans got all excited, Leblanc got all huffy, and Dick Pound said something asinine.

Some interesting things happened below the surface which provide a glimmer of hope to some events that could change cycling...
Now - if i was Lance (and cronies) here is what i would do - think of this as a three part plan to save cycling in this time of economic uncertainty

1. Screw the ASO and TDF, turn your back on them and all they stand for - leave that to Contador

2. Go race the Giro - there are a tone of reasons to do this
  • Before Lemond/Indurain/Armstrong the Giro was on par in prestige with Le Tour. that only faded when they failed to capitalize on American interest through TV coverage etc.
  • The Giro's testing policy is way more lax - less positives, less negative press. Let's not pretend cycling was better before testing started. I want it clean but how the hell is that going to happen when Premiere League Soccer, NFL, NBA, and MLB are so ridiculous with drugs that its pointless to try and keep it squeaky
  • Italians love Armstrong - mostly cause he's brash and emotional i suppose
3. Buy a piece of the Giro and build the brand.
  • First get all the good teams in there. The race has the drama and a great location but needs some business sense. Get rid of those goofy second rate italian teams like Merco-Italia-Sella-Bucco. The Giro's former luster was almost restored when the UCI demanded that all the Pro-Tour must attend all three grand tours. Prior to that it was lapsing into second rate regional race only won by doped up italians who couldn't win a real tour if it hit them in the face.
  • Replace Le Tour with Giro d'Italia. Lance gets the value of the brand. His focus on Le Tour was a great choice, cause it was the only race most Americans new or cared about. Then look at how he's managed Livestrong and personal brand into positions of companies that he can effect with his race results. That said the Armstrong brand is so high he can make it a game changer. Where he goes crowds follow. Who is going to care about Le Tour if the only American is going to get 5th! We want to watch a winner... and there is no better place to do it than Italy.
In closing... screw the ASO. If I never have to hear about that silly mom and pop family company again it will be a day too soon. Go buy and build you own race lance...we'll come and watch.

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