
New D3 Teams in 2007

I love figuring out the new Teams. This year there is only one weird wild card... but here is my take on all the new guys on the block.

BMC Racing - I like these guys, Jackson Stewart, Sayers, Moniger, Schmatz and Alexander Moos. These guys should be one of the new powerhouses out there.

Kelly Benefits - McCook, Perras, Spinelli, and Bouchard-Hall who dropped off the radar for a while. This Baltimore team is going to a whole new level. They shoudl rock the crit scene with McCook and some strong leadout guys.

Rock Racing - These guys are fascinating. No roster, no website, just a link and a contact name. The contact is a coach from LA with a business called RadSport. Both the names on the website are involved with a project called Las Vegas City of Sports, an ambitous sports related casino complex in Nevada. The primary source, Haldane Morris, is an ex racer and was apparently funding some of Rashan Bahti's comeback. While researching this some one Pro dropped his salary info in a post... $14k, if you don't want to go looking for it. Anyway... more on this group as it comes available.

Team Slipstream - They are not new, but they are going big time. Now that we know they are funded by a rich dude from NYC, who is not Mengoni, perhaps they will have enough dough to pick up Landis. Either way thise guys look good on paper... Pate, Eusar, Lewis, McCarty, and a few euro pro's for good measure.

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